22 July 2017

granny squares

It's been too long & I've become a granny, crocheting at home in front of the telly!
Here's what I started with: a mug cozy gift, case for my crochet hooks & tissue box cover

Then I branched out to my first drawstring pouch for a friend's sunglassses, covers for my back up drive/camera & the good ole Bible cover:

Experimental nerdy disc drive cover with a hole for the plug:

 These leg socks are so cute - remembered them from a friend who used to make them. Practical too!

Handbag to hold keys for my park walks & booties for a couple from church who just had a baby:

  Bracelets for my niece's birthday & a random bowl:

So I said I wouldn't go 3D but found this really simple nativity so gave it a go as a gift for a friend who lost her dad this year. Pretty special - to remind her of the hope that we have in Christ.

Another simple 3D. This time with limbs & eyes. Addictive once you get started.
Totoro's for my godson. Love the grey one's tail!

Experimenting with changing colours for this container and my current project is Buttercup, one of the Powerpuff girls for my niece!

23 March 2016

scripture craft

Lots of fun making props for scripture. Thought I would blog it to remind me how to make them!

Fake microphone made from a toilet paper roll wrapped with duct tape and a ball of scrunched up paper wrapped in foil. And the walls of Jericho come tumbling down with lego!

A king's sceptre for a dressing up as a king race. Roll up paper for the stem, foam ball at the top & all of the it wrapped in foil.


Resurrection Eggs. A great way to explain the Easter story! I combined a few website versions. Was such fun filling it!


A gift for friends - an advent calendar with Bible verses :)

27 September 2015

historic rouse hill & camden

 Rouse Hill Farmhouse - stargazing night where we got to see the moon, the Southern Cross & the highlight, Saturn! through all different telescopes.

Another highlight was this early 1900's school class room simulation tour where the teacher taught us students what it would have been like then. There was also this wooden board thing which was used to help kids walk with the right posture. We also drew the solar system on chalkboards & rubbed it off with wet sponges!

And a few weeks later, a drive down a wet dirt track through a huge acreage, pass some moo cows, to this beautiful Georgian Camden Park House, still lived in by descendants of the Macarthurs & only opened once a wkd every year.

 Magnificent 80 rooms inside which I was able to enjoy thoroughly although we weren't allowed to take photos :)
Oh the wisteria!
 Hundreds of plants were imported by the family. Some I've never seen in my life! 
Just gorgeous.

 Complete with fete & devonshire tea in the backyard


Visited The Con. Free lunchtime percussion concert.
After a seagull swooped in & stole my lunch, plus one of my wooden armrests slipped off & clanked loudly right in the middle of a drum solo! this was perfectly relaxing...

The marimba performances were lovely. Didn't know what a marimba was until now. Marimba duet - beautiful.  Each of them are using 4 mallets

Museum of Sydney had a Superhouse Exhibition - stunning

And a Ginger Meggs exhibition!


South Liverpool Anglican Spring Fair to raise money for their ministry to asylum seekers. Leftovers went to Anglicare & Lakemba markets for funds for their church ministry!

 Then off to Fairfield Museum which is in Smithfield to check out their first car boot sale where anyone could apply & sell their stuff
Complete with a live band - so good!!
 And my favourite crochet/knitting place, Westacott was there too